Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This Past Year...

...has been truly, the most interesting of the 22 that I have lived. I can honestly say that while it has included the most heart-wrenching event I think (and hope) will ever happen in my life, that it has also included some of the best.

May of 2007-

I started my current job. Granted, it may not be the dream job I would like, or include some of the best people to work with, but I truly am appreciative for having it. Considering my age and job experience, I receive more than I probably should.

July 2007 -

Marked 3 years that Mike and I have been together. I know it sounds a little hokey, but I knew that reaching a 3 year mark where it didn't feel like such a destructive mark, made known to me that I will be with this man the rest of my life. I can honestly say that since approximately our 1 year mark, we have been past the puppy-love stage, and I know that I can completely be myself around him in every way, and never be ashamed of it. Even though on a daily basis he likes to say things just to make me angry and see me get upset and then laugh about it afterwards; he still knows how to cheer me up and put a smile on my face by just being the goofy guy that he is. And the one thing that always shocks me is when it comes time to buy me a present (birthday, anniversary, christmas [and sometimes valentines]) he always knows what to get me. I never tell him what I want because I really don't know what to say, but he will remember something that I have said several months prior to what I might like to have someday, and he will remember it. He truly is a remarkable man and I wouldn't trade him for anybody in the world.......even Hugh Jackman.

September 2007 -

Obviously marked the worst month I have ever experienced in my life. I will never be able to get some of the worst things out of my head. I remember on the 8th, it was a Saturday and Joey called me and told me I needed to be there asap (this was when I was living with my aunt in Temple City). I immediately called work and told them I had a family emergency (and the weird thing was that before work the night before, I had been at my family's house, and I knew that something different was going to happen, premonition I suppose), and the whole 45 minutes that seemed like 10 hours to get to my parents house, I kept telling myself that it couldn't be true. That night, while she seemed to perk up a bit after a while and what seemed to be a "false alarm," I can vividly remember sitting next to her on the couch in my parent's room, holding her hand and watching tv with her and my dad (even though she was in too much pain to watch it with us). Each moment will be engrained into my memory; her squeezing my hand harder at times when I knew it was because she couldn't take the pain, asking for me to hold it harder, etc. Well, the funeral was difficult, but at the same time somewhat happy just because I knew that she would never have the pains in her chest again and that she could surf, play soccer and eat all the sushi and cheesecakes she wants. Although, I can honestly say that I didn't think that I could miss her as much as I do; especially since I wanted so badly for her to be my maid of honor.

But, on a good note in September, Mike and I did move in together. While a big step in our relationship, I think that it was something that we both needed personally on a different level, more so emotionally. Because of Charly's passing, and other family issues on both of our sides, we needed the comfort of each other and the dependency on each other to be our own little family and take care of each other.

November 2007 -

My first birthday and Thanksgiving without Charly. Enough said.

December 2007 -

Obviously the hardest of the holidays to be the first. We had just my parents, Joey, and my grandparents over at our tiny apartment (which did prove to be difficult for 7 people in a 750 sq. ft. apartment). But, nonetheless, it did turn out better than I think any of us had expected. We of course were spoiled with gifts (as we are every year), but being in a small living space proved to be a bit difficult to find places for all of our new toys. I also got to reunite with some awesome friends that I have had forever and never took advantage of having. They pulled through for me in my time of need, and of course we got to spend Christmas night together =P New Years rolled around, and I was a little sad because Mike had to work, so I hung out with Joey and his friends, which wasn't bad at all, I just missed Mike. No kiss at midnight for me =P

February 2008 -

The best Valentines gift EVER!!! My little baby kitty with thumbs came into our lives! At the time she was only 3 months old and weighed a mere 2 lbs. I was glad that we got to get her from the shelter because I like being able to give an orphaned pet a home. I really wanted to bring home her sister too, but we just simply didn't have the room. We didn't get to bring Goaty home until the 18th, but since that day she has been a permanent part of the family.

May 2008 -

Marked my one year point (and passing of probation) at my job. I am thankful for passing probation since a prior co-worker who started just a few months before me didn't quite make the mark. I think that I am doing well, and while although I am still learning, I honestly think that I excel at what I do. I believe that it opens up a lot of doors for me to advance in the future.

So all in all, this year has been difficult. I believe that the experiences have permanently changed me, but made me a better person and gave me a different (better) outlook on how to live my life. This summer will mark mine and Mike's 4 years together, which we will be celebrating with a trip to Vegas. I love this man to death and am very excited. I also will be going back to school this fall to start on my Bachelor's degree (Cal State Fullerton)... thank God for already having my A.A., so hopefully it will only take me 2 more years! So, while although I experience the emotional rollercoaster and miss my little sister like noneother, I have a wonderful life and have learned that I just have to make the best of it and take advantage of all the opportunities that present themselves. I very much look forward to my future, because I know that it holds some wonderful things ahead.

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