Monday, July 20, 2009

it's been a while...

i realized that i hadn't actually updated on here, as a lot has gone on. there was a lot of "rockiness" that went on between me and mike, but i can honestly now say that being back together and where we are at is where we should have always been. with a lot of drama that went on between the both of us, we mutually came to the conclusion that we loved each other and didn't want to be without the other for the rest of our lives. we had been together too long and had been through too much to just let it drift away. we made a few tweaks and oiled the gears, and now it seems to be running smoothly and effortlessly. there were a lot of people that were skeptical, called me a fool for going back, said i was doing the wrong thing... but at the end of the day i knew what was right in my heart. i know that most of the comments made were only out of concern, that they didnt want to see me hurt again, but i knew i had to do it. no one else was in this relationship other than him and me, so i felt that it was hard for people to judge us based on small blips of our actual relationship.
i got some insight from some wonderful people though, and it truly made me realize who was really looking out for me and my happiness, and not the judgmental, opinionated side of things. Dj and my aunt cyndi gave me some awesome talks... whether they were in person or email... and it made me so happy that they didnt judge at all! they gave their opinions, past experiences, and told me what i could expect from other people. i was never told by them, "don't do it. you'll only get hurt again. don't be a fool." and i couldn't be more thankful.

finals came and went in the end of may, and i was really nervous. I ended up getting 3 B's and a B-. Considering what my grades were while i was still working... i was and still am amazed. I know that two of those grades should have been C's, and i think my teachers graded on a curve. it's so funny that i actually now get upset thinking that i could get a C on my record while here at fullerton. i have definitely changed a lot since high school ;)

then right after finals, me and my brother, joey, went on a much needed trip to san diego. we stayed for three nights and went downtown, sea world and the san diego zoo. we took our cameras and shot endlessly, ate ice cream, played in the arcade, relaxed in the hotel jacuzzi and walked to wendys at 10 at night (and got a tad accosted by some drunk guy). he was having some trouble with his ex-gf and me and mike had literally just gotten back together. i knew that i would need a breather to get my head straight, especially after just finishing finals.

i still dont have a job. i need a part-time one, but im waiting for my jumpstart interview next week. im hoping that once i get my financial aide stuff back that it will say i am elligible for work study so i can get paid to do my hours as well. a part of me doesn't want to look for a job and just relax while i can... but im starting to run out of money, haha. mike has been super supportive of me leaving my job. he is realizing more and more how hard it is to work graveyards continuously. i am super excited for him though because he got into the graduate program at fullerton! there were 80 applicants and only 20 got in. he was uber smart when he got his bachelors, i think he got all A's and only 1 B... or something crazy like that.

I am very happy. since we have been back together, mike and i have gone on a short 1 night vegas stay, gotten passes to raging waters, and have started to eat healthy and exercise together. we have realized that we needed to spend more time together, and that was really hard when we were both working conflicting schedules... which is why i think he doesnt always mind that i dont work right now. andddd.... we also got a new kitty!! his name is bumblebee like the transformer :)

so life is good. we start school in a few weeks..... and im such a nerd for admitting this but i am excited to be taking a biology class and kinesiology class!!!! i think i like taking science and math classes because there are (pretty much) absolute. like taking english classes are so subjective... i can write one paper where teacher A really likes it but teacher B says, eh its ok. so we will seee!!!

and i had to put this video up. i got it from angry julie monday :) i thought it was hilarious!!!!

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